Together in Vision, Culture and Values

Amy Richardson, CFP®, CWS®, MBA

May 1, 2024

TCI is approaching a significant milestone as we look forward to welcoming our 100th team member! It’s a reason to pause, reflect and appreciate the journey we started many years ago. Now, TCI has five office locations and an incredibly talented team serving our clients. In July 2023, I joined TCI after nearly seven years at Charles Schwab. Having some time under my belt in my new role here at TCI, it occurred to me: There is an undeniable common thread that unites TCI clients and employees, the shared belief in TCI’s vision, culture and values. As the Director of Advisory Services, I strive to ensure that this thread of unity remains present, specifically through Advisors, as TCI continues on its journey to be a 100-year firm.

The Vision of TCI

All TCI employees are committed to ensuring TCI is a 100-year firm, every last one of us!  Our objective is to be here for our current clients, their children and their grandchildren, offering sound financial advice that positively impacts their lives and long-term goals. To accomplish that objective, TCI maintains a multifaceted, multigenerational group of Advisors to guide clients’ wealth management journeys. We trust the next generation of Team TCI and value their opinions. Each Advisor believes in this approach and helps mentor the next generation.

This vision cultivates an important message to our clients, as well. The significance here is the continuity built into our approach to wealth management. Even though the person guiding your financial journey might change over time, the underlying knowledge, principles, techniques and trustworthiness will not. It is the assurance that your children and your children’s children will receive the same level of care that you experience today.

The Culture of TCI

The foundation of TCI’s culture is teamwork. We emphasize Team TCI over self or individual office, and define success collectively rather than individually. Each one of us at TCI is united in how we want to help our clients accomplish their goals. We don’t focus on one piece of the financial picture or act as individual investment managers, and your relationship with TCI is not limited to you and your advisor.

For employees, it means that there is strength in numbers. It means that the whole will always be greater than the sum of its parts and that they can never be overwhelmed by passing market trends, circumstances or events. For TCI clients, it means access to the collective expertise of Team TCI, what I call the “Team TCI Brain Trust.” Within the context of your wealth management, we’ve got your back.

The Values of TCI

TCI’s core values are:

  1. Team TCI
  2. Client Focus
  3. Abundance
  4. Caring
  5. Integration
  6. Attitude for Better

Each of these contribute to the spirit of TCI. They shape our identity and influence nearly every choice we make. What’s truly captivating is the diverse ways in which each team member exemplifies these values.

I encourage you to ask your Team TCI members to share more about what these mean to them and your partnership. In doing so, you will discover how these values impact the work they do every day on your behalf. In speaking with team members myself I discovered a more profound understanding of my new coworkers and deepened our connections. I believe that your experience might be the same. Their perspectives will likely resonate with you, potentially highlighting some new reasons as to why you enjoy working with Team TCI and the meaningful impact they have on your financial future.

With gratitude for being part of our journey, Team TCI looks forward to navigating your financial landscape together. Thank you for being an integral part of the TCI story and believing in our vision, culture and values.

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