Accomplishing Your Goals

May 3, 2022

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Cody Cassidy


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This sketch from Carl Richards reflects what we try to accomplish with each financial plan we build at TCI. Our goal is to help you achieve financial freedom so that you’re able to accomplish your goals and lead a life of purpose. Going to reiterate part of that sentence again because it’s rather important: accomplish your goals. Feeling accomplished is invigorating and can usually lead to setting up and accomplishing more goals.

This does not mean that we expect you (or anyone else) to know exactly what goals they want to accomplish. It’s a reminder to make your goals your own and start somewhere. We live in a world where we are constantly being bombarded about how we should and shouldn’t be living our lives. Take time to learn and discover what this may mean for you. What’s going to make you feel fulfilled? Mastering French cooking techniques and hosting dinner parties? Bon appétit. Learning how to fly? Wheels up. Devoting your time and resources to a philanthropic cause? The world needs more people like you.

Your Goals Are Our Focus

At TCI it’s never about the money or the size of the portfolio. It’s about what it enables you do. We want you to be the best version of you that you can be. While it sounds like something out of a children’s book, it’s true. Ignore the noise and focus on your goals and how accomplishing them is going to make you feel.

Meet the Author

Cody Cassidy,


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